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1... These are self-drilling with self-tapping and self-piercing screws
for general construction applications, attaching profiled metal sheet
roof and wall cladding, assembly of fabricated metal products used,
fasten wood, plywood, hardboard or similar materials to steel through
both wood and steel in one go. The most complete range of high quality
POWERDRIVE self drilling screws are sourced from Japan.
2... POWERDRIVE screws now also available in high strength,
rust-proof fasteners is based on BIMETAL (2 METAL) principle.
The head and loadbearing shank section is made of non-hardened
sus-304 (18/8) austenitic stainless steel and pilot section comprising
the drill-point and lead-in thread is made of hardened steel.
3... Ruspert Coating provides triple protection from corrosion.
The zinc layer protects the metal from red rust. The film layer makes
the zinc inert and porous while adhering to the ceramic coat via chemical
reactions. This top layer repulses any corrosion and suppresses
white corrosion. This unique layer-combination coating structure -
superior anti-corrosion metal finish and rust-prevention mechanism.
4... POWERDRIVE self drilling screws have on their tips a drill point
similar to that of a twist drill. These screws will in one quick operation,
drill their own hole, form a matching counter-thread, and fasten
securely in metal. As POWERDRIVE screws are designed for
applications involving metal thickness up to 12.7mm, attaching
components to heavy structural members is a simple matter.
5... By combining a drill bit, a tap and a screw in a single product,
POWERDRIVE self drilling screws simplify assembly procedures
by eliminating the sources of potential errors, saving time and money
while improving fastening quality. They present an extremly cost
effective solution to fastening problems involving the joining of
components to metal.
6... Master-Seal Washers are used throughout POWERDRIVE
Roofing Screws for unsurpasses sealing performance in separate
EPDM elastomer and metal components are bonded to form a tough,
one-piece sealing and support washer for all climatic conditions be
securely sealed to prevent entry of air, vapour and moisture.